On Boston’s Newbury Street, tucked between posh designer showrooms and salons, lies a haven of American-made menswear. Creamy leather couches, vintage taxidermy, even a full-service barbershop—all carefully arranged around life-warranted clothing. Some call this place an outdoorsman’s fantasy. Founder Mark Bollman just calls it Ball and Buck.
“I founded Ball and Buck to create products that are the best of what America can offer”, says Bollman. “My hope is that people will join me in ensuring we don’t completely lose the art of craftsmanship that this country was founded upon.”
Bollman is a Southern Gentleman—one who knows a man’s clothing should offset his genteel charm. “You don’t have to wear [our clothes] in the field, but at least you know they work there if you do,” he says.
Among his products are unique
Hunter’s shirts and polos, featuring a reinforced shooting shoulder and
reinforced elbow patches. In addition, Ball and Buck offers exclusive collaborations
with top American brands—like Allen Edmonds, New Balance Shockhoe Denim, and Randolph

“The well-dressed Bostonian
buys into classic New England Style,” Bollman explains. “It's a cross roads of
preppy, classic, and rugged.” Bollman believes that men shouldn’t worry about the
latest trends, but should rather, “invest in staple pieces that are great on
their own, and even better when put together.”

Check out Ball and Buck at
all four American Field events this year.