Introducing one of American Field's very new vendors - American Shine handcrafts a little wooden box that offers all the tools you need to put your best foot forward.

With a sketch, American Shine was started in their basement shop. How hard could it be to make a box? Turn's out, pretty hard. It took over a year of trial and error before they had a box that they were proud to call their own.

Today, they've made thousands of quality American Made shine boxes and have shipped them all over the world - each with it’s own personality.
Each American Shine box is complete with all the tools needed for a professional shoe shine.

American Field wants to thank American Shine for participating in the Spring 2017 D.C. event and helping to make it such a successful one.
All New American presents another remarkable American Small Business - American Shine - based in Pennsylvania, creating shine boxes for all your shoe shining needs