Before you join American Field in Washington DC next week, we wanted to provide a bit of history about Georgetown Park.
Our beautiful event facility is a 315,000 square foot, mixed-use, local icon situated between Georgetown’s two “Main Streets” and the historic C & O Canal. The property, owned and operated by national real estate investor and American Field sponsor, Jamestown, L.P., recently underwent an extensive $80 million renovation that completely transformed the grounds from an inward-facing enclosed mall into a collection of premier retailers with dedicated frontage on both M. Street and Wisconsin Avenue.
Over the years, Georgetown Park has served many tenants and purposes. Parts of the structure date to 1838, when it was used as a tobacco warehouse that opened directly onto the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. Since then, the building has housed stables for an omnibus line, stables for the Washington and Georgetown Railroad, machine shops for DC streetcars, and eventually, an annex for the United States Department of Defense Communications.
Today, Georgetown Park offers specialty retail, fashion and restaurant space in the heart of an urban environment. Make sure you take some time to admire the parts of the building that face the canal and the facade of the M Street entrance. They remain original to the 19th century.
look forward to welcoming you to Georgetown Park
next week!